Following the publication of the Energy and Utilities Alliance (EUA) report entitled ‘Biopropane for the off-grid sector’, the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) requested to meet with EUA to discuss decarbonising off-grid heating.
The meeting, which took place on 5 April, sees members from the off-grid heating sector meeting with DECC officials to explore the benefits offered by replacing LPG with biopropane.
Isaac Occhipinti, head of external affairs at the EUA said: “We are delighted that the DECC recognise the very real opportunities this report outlines for cutting carbon emissions and we welcome the chance meet with them to discuss the subject further. Biopropane is a highly environmentally friendly and renewable product and if introduced to the 171,000 homes in the UK currently using LPG for heating, carbon emissions would be slashed.
We will be talking to DECC about how cost effective introducing biopropane is, when compared to other renewable heating systems, as it directly replaces LPG, meaning that homeowners do not have to change or upgrade their heating system. Biopropane could be rolled out to off grid homes with minimal disruption and minimal fuss.”
The EUA will be asking DECC to include biopropane in the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) after analysis showed that, if given an incentive to make the change cost neutral to the consumer, then biopropane could save taxpayers approximately 40% on the current cost of delivering the RHI.
Image courtesy of Shutterstock/ bikeriderlondon
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