Foam & Bubbles, the online bathroom platform, has partnered with home improvement sector experts Trend-Monitor to provide the latest insight into how bathrooms are purchased by UK consumers.

This joint research project seeks to understand how consumers approach the decision to purchase a complete new bathroom and explores where they do their research, the way they plan and design the space available, the products they choose, why they decide to purchase from a particular outlet, plus their interaction with the bathroom installer.

The research has had the benefit of direct access to the Foam & Bubbles user base of over 70,000 followers and 4 million monthly impressions. This resulted in a respondent base of highly engaged UK consumers who had recently completed a new bathroom installation or who are in the process of purchasing a new bathroom.

Jane Blakeborough, Research Director at Trend-Monitor, said: "By collaborating with Foam & Bubbles we were able use their wide community of homeowners as our research panel and engage with people who are actively interested in the purchase of a bathroom."

When the research is published in July this year, it will highlight the key influences for consumers at each stage of the purchase process from research through to choice of purchase outlet, examining areas such as family circumstances, motivating factors, research methods, budget, brand awareness and third-party advice.

Avinash Doshi, Founder & CEO at Foam & Bubbles, said: "We already know a lot about bathroom design and trends, but by working with Trend Monitor we have also been able to understand how factors such as purchase patterns and demographics impact on the way consumers refurbish their bathrooms today and in the future."